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How can you improve your usual conversation?

Interesting way to enhance your conversation


One of the easiest ways to sound like a native English speaker is to add some idioms while talking to someone. What are idioms? And how should one include it in usual conversations?


Idioms are expressions or phrases that have no literal meaning, but it is figurative in language, which conveys the actual meaning of what he/she wants to say.

Idioms exist in every language and are passed down the years from generation to generation, some of them are very old and are still used.

It is an innovative way to have fun with the language.

If you are really looking to learn such things and want to enhance you English Language Skills, you can connect Aiuto, the best place to learn Advance Spoken English Classes in Kolkata


Difference between Idioms and Metaphors


Often time Idioms and Metaphors are thought to be quite similar which is simply not the case.

An idiom is a phrase that relates or gives a description of a person or  a situation of a completely different meaning.

It is an expression that is used by the native speakers of any particular language trying to explain a specific thing.



On the other hand metaphor is a literary device that is used for comparison made for effect.

Some examples of metaphors :-


“He is a shining star”

Here the person is compared with a star, he is not actually a star, his attributes of personality or qualities makes him stand out hence the comparison.


“Kisses are flowers of affection”

To show our affection or admiration for someone we present them with flowers. Hence the flowers are compared with kisses which is also

a token of affection.


Some Common Idioms

“It is raining Dogs and Cats”

Meaning it’s raining really heavily


“It’s a piece of Cake”

Meaning the particular task is easy.


“Kill two birds with one stone”

Get two things  done by one action.


“Let the cat out of the bag”

To give away a secret.


Learning idioms will not only help you in understanding English but also it will enhance your ability to understand native speakers.

After having understood the common idioms, you will have a flowing conversation.

As mentioned before it is a fun and a unique way to spice up your daily conversations, it will deliver an impact on your speech.

Do not wait to unlock such important opportunities learning English, Check with Aiuto, the best spoken English classes in Kolkata.

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