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French Language proficiency tests

DILF, DELF, DALF are three main proficiency exams for French Language. If you want to prepare for these exams, Aiuto, the best French Language Institute in Kolkata will help you achieve your desired score in your French Language Exam.

DILF, DELF, and DALF are a set of official French proficiency tests administered by the Centre international d´étude pédagogiques (CIEP). DILF (A1.1) is an acronym that stands for Diplôme Initial de Langue Française(a qualification in French as a foreign language that assesses basic users), the DELF (A1,A2,B1,B2) is the Diplôme d´Études en Langue Française and the DALF (C1,C2) is the Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française. In addition to allowing someone to opt-out of a French university´s language entrance exam, having one of these French certifications puts more weightage on the CV.


Test Difficulty Levels

The DILF is the primer certification for the French language qualification and precedes the
DELF and DALF. Although the DILF, DELF, and DALF are the French equivalent of the
English proficiency test or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), there is quite a
difference between these two testing systems. The TOEFL certification, which is offered by
Educational Testing Services, requires that candidates take a two to four-hour test, after which
they receive a TOEFL score indicating their level of proficiency. In contrast, DILF/DELF/DALF
certifications consist of multiple levels. Rather than giving test takers a score, DILF/DELF/DALF candidates work to obtain one of seven diplômes from the Ministère de Éducation Nationale, de Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche:

1. DILF A1.1
2. DELF A1
3. DELF A2
4. DELF B1
5. DELF B2
6. DALF C1
7. DALF C2

Each of these certificates tests the four language proficiencies (reading, writing, listening and
speaking), based on the levels of the Cadre Européen de Référence pour Les Langues. The
French speaker´s proficiency is identified by the highest certificate that someone has obtained.
All the diplomas are independent i.e. you do not need to take all seven. Proficient French
speakers can start at whatever level they qualify for. Younger French learners are offered similar,
but separate, tests: DELF, Version Junior, and DELF Scolaire.

Test de français international (TFI)

The Test de français international (TFI) is a language proficiency test for non-native speakers of French. It is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). It is a standardized exam with 180 multiple choice type questions, divided into two sections: listening and reading. The exam is for approximately 2.5 hours (including time for administrative procedures)

Test d évaluation du français (TEF)

The Test d évaluation du français (TEF) is a test of fluency in French for non-native speakers. It is awarded by the CCIP. It is often required to be admitted into universities and is recognized by the Federal government of Canada as a proof of fluency in immigration procedures.

The test is made up of three mandatory and two optional sections. The reading, listening,
grammar and vocabulary sections are mandatory and must be taken together, while the writing
and speaking sections are optional and can be taken separately.
NB. The Federal Government of Canada requires both mandatory and optional section for
immigration purposes.


Test de connaissance du français (TCF)

The Test de connaissance du français (TCF) is a language placement test for non-native speakers
of French. It is administered by the Centre international d études pédagogiques (CIEP) for
the French Ministry of Education. It fulfils French language entry requirements, can be used to
demonstrate language ability for job applications or for personal use, and is required
in Québec for immigration procedures. The TCF follows the European standards for language tests as set forward in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and is equivalent to DELF and DALF, offered by the CIEP.

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