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Growing significance of Arabic Language in Kolkata

Growing significance of Arabic Language in Kolkata. Arabic is usually ranked among the top six of the world’s major languages, it is a Southern-Central Semitic Language, which is spoken in most parts of the Arabian Peninsula, parts of Middle East and North Africa. Arabic plays an important role in the Islamic faith because Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran.

The economy of Middle East consists of the economies of seventeen countries which includes Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kurdistan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Throughout the decades the Middle Eastern countries had gone through considerable commercial reforms in order to cater to the economic diversification.

The most amount of profit the Gulf countries gains, comes from the oil production and export, labor utilization in its many sectors and fields be it industrial, hospitality or aviation is infact one of the most lucrative source of employment.

That is the reason why these countries have become more welcoming to the people coming from different parts of the world for work.

Hence in order to be able to communicate adequately it is always advised by the employment agencies and the company that individuals who are eager to go to the Gulf Countries to work or study they should learn Arabic. There are institutes that provide classes in the language, for instance, Aiuto, which is a ISO 9001-2015 certified company that imparts Arabic language Course in Kolkata.

It is a premier foreign language institute in Kolkata, where people who are either students or working professionals come to study Arabic.

Course modules are prepared based on the needs of the students themselves, there are facilities like private lessons for those who would be unable to attend the regular classes, online sessions are also there for those working professionals who are usually busy in their work schedules.

The trainer is responsible to make customized study materials starting from the basic to intermediate level to cater to the requirements of the concerned students.

There are many misconceptions when it comes to certain socio-cultural factors related to the countries in the Middle East,

Learning one of their native languages will not only help in understanding the culture, norms and traditions but would also eventually curtail the fallacies.

Sometimes learning a different language become very boring to understand and to read or speak, and you feel something productive or of your interest should better do…..well the best way to get rid of and learn a language with something far more interesting, entertaining and less productive mediums.

Sitting down to study with a long story or an Arabic text book is not the only medium to learn Arabic. There are more enjoyable options such as watching TV shows related to your interest, it could be shorts films, Cookery shows, Fashion shows and off- course interactive sessions on TV or any YouTube channel.

Some of famous Arabic TV shows you can watch or take help from

Arabs got talent


Master Chef Morocco


Believe, there are people who learnt a lot by following these mechanism by knowing their respective culture, they develop the urge of learning Arabic. Moreover they take less effort to use then other more traditional approaches or tools of learning. Aiuto always uses most innovative mechanism of making you learn and confident in respective language.

January 17, 2023
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