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What Social Media Optimization skills are important in 2021

Social media optimization aka SMO, is a process or a technique of optimizing the profiles on the social media platforms or communities for greater visibility.

It is an integral part of digital marketing that has caught the fancy of many business owners lately, owing to the impact of social media’s rapid growth.

SEO is a rather well known process for bolstering a website’s rankings on search results, SMO on the other hand is a strategy which is singularly focused on the social profiles.


The Digital revolution has made it compulsory for any individual seeking to further their reach for a diverse audience, to get into social media, and that is where social media optimization comes in.

Companies are looking for professionals with advanced SMO skills such as:


Aptitude to learn

The social media is an ever changing platform, hence an individual needs to keep him/herself updated with the new features of any of the social platforms.

For instance, the Instagram stories Facebook live were recent additions,

Hence social media marketers must be ready to learn the new features.


Outstanding Communication

One of the advanced SMO skills is the communication skills, as the ideas, campaigns or thoughts that you have could be rendered meaningless unless you are able to put it into words.

Conveying them effectively to your colleagues or teammates so as  to have a proper exchange of ideas and information is important.


Analytical skills

The understanding of algorithm is the key in  figuring out which product or content is being liked by the audience and which is not. Focusing on the elements of the algorithm is also mandatory as they keep changing.


Content Management

Keeping track of which content to share where, in addition to having a knowledge of the particular content preferred by the audience is a part of the responsibility of a social media marketer.

The content shouldn’t be overtly textual, and should be made attractive by adding videos and pictures relevant to the business or individual.


Strategic planning

Social media optimization might sound fun but to succeed in it, having a strategy in place is important. Part of their job description is to create publishing schedules, track contacts,maintain the social media profiles.



To produce original content could be a challenging task if you are not creative, hence one of the advanced SMO skillsis authenticity, it ensures curating original content.


Goals oriented 

The goal of Social media optimization is to ensure a strong presence on social media. Hence the social media marketers must keep in mind their goal is not only to create good quality content, but to make it interesting enough to retain the audience views as well.


In conclusion, the advanced social media optimization skills are focused on enhancing the profiles to make sure that the general awareness about the brand increases, along with helping to reach out to diverse audiences,integrating the communication between audience and business. Driving more organic traffic by introducing the brand to consumers.

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